Sunday 8 April 2007

Not all candidates live in Arbourthorne

I found out today that not all the candidates for Arbourthorne have addresses in the ward. I am very disappointed that if such a councillor wins that our new Councillor will not know at first hand what it is like to live in our ward, and will not have a grasp of the real issues at grass roots level!

That means that out of the 4 candidates to choose from, you only have a choice of 2 local people, and only one of them is Green. Don't vote for one that isn't!

Having lived in Arbourthorne for the last ten years, I have direct experience and knowledge of the issues of living here, as well as a good feel of people's experiences of the housing stock changes. It's also important for local people to know that you are one of them, in this case, an Arbourthornian!

If you haven't registered to vote yet, you need to get a move on! Visit Sheffield's E-Voting Pilot

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